Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why this west Texas mom is going crunchy

Years ago we would never think of names for different types of people and the labels we give them!  Remember in high school it would be the geeks and the jocks? What happens when you move out of the school age to adults? Shakespeare said " what's in a name!" We call one person crunchy and another modern, one person liberal and another conservative . But why? What's the meaning? Why the label?  I would like to think that I do not have a label .. But as with everyone I was given the label..

Definition of crunchy:
Adjective. Used to describe persons who have adjusted or altered their lifestyle for environmental reasons. Crunchy persons tend to be politically strongly left-leaning and may be additionally but not exclusively categorized as vegetarians, vegans, eco-tarians, conservationists, environmentalists, neo-hippies, tree huggers, nature enthusiasts, etc.

Definition of granola:
An adjective used to describe people who are environmentally aware (flower child, tree-hugger), open-minded, left-winged, socially aware and active, queer or queer-positive, anti-oppressive/discriminatory (racial, sexual, gender, class, age, etc.) with an organic and natural emphasis on living, who will usually refrain from consuming or using anything containing animals and animal by-products (for health and/or environmental reasons), as well as limit consumption of what he or she does consume, as granola people are usually concerned about wasting resources. Usually buy only fair-trade goods and refrain from buying from large corporations, as most exploit the environment as well as their workers, which goes against granola core values. The choice of not removing body hair (see amazon) and drug use are not characteristics that define granola people, and people, regardless of granola status, may or may not partake in said activities. This definition is sometimes confused with hippy.

I am sitting here laughing as I write to because like my dear hubby said " Oh Lord please don't become a tree hugger!"  My reply was just laughing and rolling my eyes.. I was laughing because its true!! I am becoming a Eco loving, natural living junkie!! I remember my dad describing the hippies he saw.. Now while I won't be dressing in bell bottoms and the dyed shirts and braiding my hair.. I will be more careful with what The Lord has given me.  While most people search for a better way of living wether by choices or faith, I chose both.  Now while the psychedelics of the 60's are over there is a new age of a movement. It isn't against wars,  and it isn't against politics. It about restoring and conserving what we have . While most people are buying packs of water at the store I am buying a glass bottle to refill and I eat cage free and free range eggs. I trade and barter while people shop at Neman Marcus .  I decided long ago I was tired of the waste of our nation. I watch children go hungry in the richest nation.. Have we forgotten how to grow our own food?! Instead of buying huge strollers and expensive cribs, I choose to wear my children in a wrap and let them sleep close to mommy.. I have learned so much from the last 5 years as a mother . I have changed what I put in my body, how I have done my hair, what products I use in my house.  Why would I change the life I have always had? What was the reason behind the change?

Almost 6 years ago I was sitting in front of my computer looking at baby items waiting for my daughter to be born.. While I didn't have the money for the deluxe model crib , I was given one to use ( I can't complain!! It was a 400 dollar crib) . I made use out of something that had already received a lot of love from the previous owner. I didn't have a expensive stroller or play pen with the vibrating side and the bells and whistles.. I had what I needed!! While it was well loved it did what I needed it to!! I also went and bought second hand clothes and baby items (safe second used). Now years later I just retired the old broken down playpen which has held and kept 3 children safe and comfortable.  I no longer have the crib that was given to me. I passed it on to another mother in need. I now have a second hand toddler bed and a room full of well loved antiques and my mother in laws furniture. Why use something old and used? I can buy something at Ikea for less than it would to be less than restoring the old chest of drawers she had . It is the history, It is the use of something until its time has come and it becomes nothing more than good firewood!!

I started to feel a renewal of life in my house, a feeling of a start. My biggest accomplishment was getting off modern and western medicine for my health. I quit popping Tylenol for my pain and used hot water bottles and epsom salt. I grew herbs and I made my own spaghetti sauce !! I noticed a change in the way my body acted. While with my daughter I formula fed , I have breastfed my two sons.. While I had medicine in labor with my older children, my youngest was the first baby I had naturally!! I am in love with it!! I feel renewed and one with The Lord !! The world he gave me was the same he gave to Adam and Eve !! I have been given something to be a good caregiver to. While this is my home for such a small time , I can rejoice in its beauty for I find The Lord in each thunderstorm and I find his power with the winds of the spring!!

So part of my blog will keep up with the journey of changing from wasteful to fruitful, from modern to natural.. I can't promise I know everything, but I will do what comes to me from faith!! I will change my life to what he wants me to be!! I will do with what he gives me to his glory!!

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