Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Reason For The Season

After our bout of being ill , we decided to clean the house and put up whatever decorations we had. I was depressed we didn't have a tree to put up and had come to peace with it. After my dear hub's had told me the news that it had gotten wet in a roof leak, I had thought maybe it would be ok. The kicker was he put it outside while they worked on the house and it began to rain. So here we are the second week in December and no tree... No presents... Nothing to help bring in the Christmas spirit. I decided to look in the Facebook garage sale pages and groups.. None of them had a tree in my budget range, most wanting too much. I had also looked at new trees to buy and my search was futile, there was nothing to be bought. 

One night I sat on the computer and the idea was passed along in a group i was in ,to start a page to post requests to help families that needed help. A local woman made a page  and quickly started to ask for items. With that i asked her if anyone she knew had a tree they could donate and i would gladly get together some clothes as a barter of sorts. Kevin and I had not had an easy year.. With moving and the messes we had, we needed help. I also had thought of the families that needed clothes and went through the closet and found everything my children had outgrew and that I could donate... Hours later I was told she had a tree for me and we met and exchanged the items that I had. Loading the tree I knew that the spirit of Christmas had arrived and I felt very complete.

Two hours later Christmas music is blaring and the kids and I are putting together the tree... We smile and laugh and enjoy some time together.. My husband grumbling because the thing sheds.. I  gladly was able to start the songs and the lessons.. Most of all what this all really means... So my chicks and I sat on the floor and I read them the story of our Saviors birth and his love and his gift of life to us. I wanted them to understand that Christmas tree's are great and and presents are great, but most of all the real reason for this all is our faith in and love of Jesus Christ!!! His birth and death gave us the best example of how we are to act.

Jesus is the reason for the season!!

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