Monday, May 25, 2015

Our path to wellness: Autoimmune, allergies and more.

This article is in no way medical advice. If you have life threatening food allergies, Type 1 diabetes, asthma , or any other condition that requires medicine or medical attention please consult with your primary doctor or holistic doctor before quitting or making any changes to your treatment.

"I am sick and tired, but mostly just tired. I was put back onto steroids again after the 3rd reaction I have had this year.  I am so tired of being stuck at my house doped up on so many medications that I cant function. I just wish I felt better so I can go out with the kids."

This status was written 2 years ago on my Facebook! We were sick and tired, My household was  feeling run down and sickly. Most days the kids would complain of stomach aches and my husband and myself were exhausted. We had went to doctors to get answers, and came out with more problems. The list of conditions in this household is more than the occupants. The doctors just handed us prescriptions and allowed us to go on without even so much as a way to cure ourselves. I was defeated, what was causing us to get sick? Why even with organic foods where we sick? I sat down and started to write out the list of what everyone had and then started to research it.

Kason : Food allergies, Eczema, Asthma, Speech delay, Environmental  Allergies, sulfa allergies, sting allergies
Kaleb : Environmental allergies, suspected food allergies, food sensitivities
Kalli: food sensitivities, Possible celiac disease
Husband: Type 1 diabetes, neuropathy
Myself: Asthma, Eczema, dermatitis herpetiformis, Celiac disease, Mast cell activation disorder, histamine intolerance, food sensitivities , sulfa allergies.

Shocking right?

After MONTHS and I mean months of research I was amazed to find out that it was tied to one thing and one thing only! It is really quite simple and actually kind of shocking to me why doctors and medical professionals have not caught on soon enough. It was our intestines!! The majority of our immune system is located in in our intestines. After our intestines are damaged several times our bodies start an inflammatory response to everything, even the foods we eat most of our lives. So our intestines get bombarded by medicines, heavy metals, chemicals, poisons and other harmful things.  Imagine how much toxins we put into our bodies and how they get into us? You are actually exposed to 2,100,000 toxins throughout your day and you body can only expel out a couple of thousand at a time! These can enter in through our skin, noses , mouths , ears, by food, by drink , and by touching. It is almost impossible to avoid toxins. However by avoiding the most common sources of these chemicals and by healing our intestines  we may have a chance to stop or even prevent ourselves from developing these conditions. A lot of people are told that these conditions are genetic and it is very true! If your mother, father , and or grandparents where carriers of a disease there is always a high risk of it yourself. A lot of the conditions are passed down because of the inflammation going on in your mothers bodies while pregnant or even the damage to the sperm from your father. I am sure you are asking yourself is there any hope for healing what has been hurt? Yes!

Ok a lot of you are asking where do you start healing the damage?

1) Find your symptoms and treat them, do not mask them. That means if you have pain, find the root of the pain and find a way to treat it. If it is by essential oils then use them, if it is a deficiency then find foods that are high in the mineral or vitamin , then eat it. I know a huge cure for a lot of things is getting enough sun . Good ole vitamin D helps everything and every process in your body.

2) Detox!! That means flush your body out. Drink green tea, eat plenty of fiber (including brown rice and organically-grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella, and seaweed are excellent detoxifying foods), Take vitamin C , take detox baths etc.

3) Eat healthy.. No I don't mean go on a diet, that could be one of the worse pieces of advice a lot of you are given. That means take out all foods that are processed, GMO laden and have gluten. If you want t go farther take out all fake sugars and maybe replace them with more natural or even drop them all together. If you feel froggy ( I love that saying) then even cut out the foods high in histamine and inflammatory properties!

4) SLEEP!!! I cannot stress this enough!! SLEEP people!! the recommended amount of sleep is 9 hours! That means you need 9 Hours of sleep to get your body to tip top shape.

5) Hydrate!! You need water to flush out the toxins or else they are stuck inside your body and they are hard to get rid of. If you are anything like me and hate just drinking water, then add a lemon, or lemon essential oils. Get rid of the plastic cup and get you a good quality glass bottle! I bought mine through lifefactory and have never looked back!. If you are a soda drinker, try teas! I drink green tea and add fruit juice to it to give me a boost of energy when I am tired. Try to not to get to the point you are all of a sudden thirsty, that means you are dehydrated. Drink water through the day, even if it is a 8 ounce glass every hour.

6) Get moving !! If you get up and move, that moves the toxins. If your sedentary it isn't going to help you much. You need to move just as much as you drink water and or eat healthy. A good moving body is a happy body!

These steps are not the only things that my family and I have been doing. We have incorporated essential oils, paleo diet ( modified) and low histamine eating. I stopped using chemicals to clean and went through a company that sells products that use water and enzymes. For our family, switching over came a little late. My husband, my son and myself have conditions which all require medications. My husband is insulin dependent, I have to carry and inhaler and epi pen and so does my son. We all are on base doses of our medication and for us that helps not only us achieve our goals, but our financial health as well. I hope one day to have my autoimmune all under control. Even if I never do, I know that I did the best I could do to keep the damage to a minimal. My hope is that by eating better my husband can control his blood sugar and reduce the damage to his body.

I hope and pray that you can find wellness in your home through simple changes. I know they look very complicated, but in reality they are only a small life change. Please if you need any kind of help and or need someone to talk to , feel free to contact me by email at :
If you are looking into essential oils or cleaning your house greener feel free also to contact me or go to theses websites to research or even buy products.
Please contact me about the essential oils due to FDA regulations I cannot list the company name on my site
If you are interested on any of the sources I used or a more holistic lifestyle, please click the links below.

Sources:  ( holistic resources)