Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Food allergies Part 3: The Allergist Appointment

Well as usual I am late blogging and getting my act together for the blog! I am super happy that we made it to see the doctor and was just happy to get it over with. I am glad that we have gotten this far, but like usual.. we are far from being done!!!

Thursday we all packed up and went to the Allergist. I was super ready to have answers and to move forward. When we finally made it I looked inside and noticed there must of been over a dozen people in that building!! I was concerned that this appointment would take forever and make me and the kids home for dinner and bed. We checked in and like always there is at least 30 pages of paperwork and the less than thrilled receptionist. As I was filling out the paperwork Kason was bouncing all over the place and laughing. It took them about 30 minutes to call us back to the closet like room. The nurse talked to me and asked me why we where here. I showed her the pictures and told her what we had been through for our son.  She told me that most mothers that come through have storied similar to that and that my son was one in many children with severe skin and food allergies , not to leave out the nagging asthma we have already had to deal with.  We chatted and then told me he would be in shortly. I sat there looking around the room and eyed a few of the doctors told, many in which i was familiar with because it was used on me at one point. When the doctor entered the room we talked for a minute and then he cut me off ( rudely actually) and told me that we would have to test again, why didn't we have an allergist before and that I needed to go out and buy a steam cleaner, bed covers and other hypoallergenic stuff to go into my house. I left the room to be shoved into another , handed material and was shoved out that door.. Nothing on diet, nothing on how to manage his symptoms, just another blood test and a flyer on

Honestly while I would have loved to learn a lot more with my sons allergies, I was given very little. Sickened with lack of help I needed. So now I have to wait till the blood test comes back again ( 2 week wait) and then we go back as he deems necessary and do oral challenges.. While I am happy we went, I am not happy I was treated the way I was!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What would Jesus do : Thoughts on lifestyles and gossip

As I am sitting here writing I am shaking my head. I can't believe how as of late things have become a whirlwind of drama and pointless fighting. I do admit like every human being I have my weaknesses and I do fall short of how God wants me to be. Last weekend was brought to my attention how I have never seen the kind of hurt it can do, until it happened to me. Honestly I got myself into the situation where the gossip and assumptions where made and well it caused a lot of hurt within my family dynamics .. While my relationship with my Hunny is no where where it needs to be due to us both neglecting it, we have enough sense to know if something is true or not. That's what most people do not understand , what you say and do can hurt or even destroy a friendship or a relationship. Looking back now I see I was so totally wrong about how I handled this situation and have asked God to forgive me. Now looking forward I know what I can do and how to deal with it. Forgiving and forgetting is so hard , but it's worth it.

Weeks ago I also made assumptions about a person I do not know . I don't know who she is, how her life is, or why she does the things she does. I made the wrong choice of being the onlooker and laughing. This woman may be lost and needs someone to show her how God loves us no matter our sins or our choices . I feel like I have seen a little of her in me at times . I have thought many times I would go over there and tell her if she needed anything to let me know. See Jesus loved even the people the world didn't love. The outcasts and the "jezebels" . He only asks us to follow him and forget our old lives. I plan soon to show that un-judgmental love , honestly even if it doesn't get me anywhere I have the peace of mind that I tried to help and possibly save someone else from the destructiveness that can be made by our lifestyles.

While I have been victim to gossip I have also have been guilty of dishing it out. I have been the one laughing , but I have lately been the one laughed at. Honestly I could care less what people say, or how much people like me. I am however going to watch what I say about other people, because when you talk about someone, your also pointing out your own flaws. I have many, to many in fact.. I wish I could have said sorry to the people it effected. I am choosing to let the Devil use that as a for, of hiding on what I really need to fix. While I am laughing at someone with relationship issues, I have them myself. While I am laughing at the issues of others, I am really laughing at myself.

What's wrong with this world is we have forgotten how to love, how to trust and how to forgive. I think it is never to late to do better, to make better choices and to let one more person that may not feel loved, get the love they need. I plan on going to church Sunday.. Even if it is by myself and asking God to forgive me.. I want to do better, not only for myself but for my family.. I want his presence to rule over my house and fill it til it is bursting at the seems . I feel like if I can start now, then maybe I can save this all before it is to late and be there for the ones that like me , walked in the shoes of judgment and gossip, un-happy and alone.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Food allergies part 2: Path to wellness

It's been a few weeks since my first post about our path to finding our about Kasons food allergies and how we are going to treat them.. We figured that Kason had several food allergies after getting several bouts of hives and eczema when he was a baby. Why they didn't test him till now makes me wonder why ? Why would they just treat the after effect of a breakout instead of investigate it. We left most of Kason's medical records that we copied with the speech therapist and I looked through them as well.. I noticed after reading through them that between the ages of 6 months to a year , Kason's health took a turn.. He didn't gain weight and he barely gained any height.. Why didn't they notice that? Why did we have to go through multiple infections and breakouts without further testing? Now I feel like I have been cheated out of what could have been a normal babyhood for Kason... He could have had clear skin and been able to smile when his mommy and daddy played and it would not have hurt. Now looking back his doctors never tried... They just gave him medicine to comfort him..

We finally did get into the doctors office and scheduled with an allergist and made sure that we had the options opened for us as we have never had them opened before. At first his pediatrician was talking immunotherapy. The thought of weakening my son's immune system made me mad. Why would I weaken what is protecting my son from getting another infection. The second option was even worse ( in my opinion) . We looked into allergy doctors and found one that would suit him to tailor to his needs.. While I am exited we are getting this far, I am also skeptical.. What if he never grows out of theses allergies? What will we have to do as far as diet? What is the next step for him? I spent the better part of three weeks after the original RAST. Test to figure out what we can do as far as food... I am already shocked with things I didn't know.. I was shocked to know there was so much out there that is marked hypo allergenic and really it isnt.

Well here goes to the two week wait!! I am ready to get some answers!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Food Allergies Suck : Part 1

A  long time ago we started the road to figuring out what was the matter with my sweet boy. We would wake up and have to clean up bloody sheets from where he itched himself to the point his skin was raw. Well fast forward till now after all the problems , we finally have an answer. Little did I know that we would be faced with food allergies. I was always aware that his face would flare with certain foods, but never did i once think he had food allergies until a few months ago when a trip out somewhere became less than fun. I had fed Lil man some cookies from the mall. We decided shortly after leaving the mall that we would go out to dinner. After being there for a bit Lil man complained that his stomach hurting and that he felt like he was going to throw up. I took him ti the bathroom only for him to burp or say he felt better. I returned to the table and told the hubs we needed to leave. I packed up the remaining parts of dinner and started to walk to the truck. We had only gotten three steps out the door until i had to help Lil man throw up all over the place. His face was red and his cheeks had hives all over them. I knew then it was , and talked to the doctor. He ordered a test called a RAST test . Although he didn't order the Food panel our ENT was curious why he still had a lot of trouble after having his tonsils and adenoids taken out. Before we got the test results we had another episode which was the end of the stick for me. Kason ( lil man) ate peanuts out at the restaurant. We again started to notice the hives and the cough. It wasn't until he told me his tummy hurt that I realized that it was time to go. We got to the truck and his then clear cough sounded more raspy . As I sat there with him i noticed more and more that he needed to be given his inhaler and some Benadryl . We sat there with the cold air blasting and his mask over his face so that he could get as many puffs as possible. After a few minute his face started to clear and he started to able to breath. He became calm and started to smile and play like he did before. I was still in shock with what happened. I noticed however that he had the runs for a few days and broke out on his bottom with the same hives and had the poops to go with it. We discussed this and decided on a full panel RAST. We received the results a week later and went to an appointment to discuss it. The nurse came in and told us that she was glad we where there and there was a lot to talk over. She started off by telling me that Kason is VERY allergic to tree nuts and Peanuts and that we need to stay away from them and then asked for me to go pick up his Epi pen on the way out. She  also asked me to please be careful as well with pork and Soy. As i sat there my heart began to race because I was thinking about all the times that we had given Kason peanut butter or cookies with walnuts and pecans. It could have killed him!! Upon leaving i went to the pharmacy inside the doctors building and bought him a sucker ( just a sugar cane sucker) and sat and read through all the results. It amazed me how our bodies protect us from something that can hurt us and how a allergic reaction is only something that is protecting us from something harmful!! Now we are finally able to begin the steps to getting him well!! It has been too long!!

Remembering to take it slow

So we finally moved into a new place. With an apartment was not my first choice of places it has suited us just fine. I am glad that the multiple hotel hopping is over!! We have been here about three weeks now and it has been amazing. I love the neighbors and the kids finally have friends to play with and a safe place to play at!  We have already had our issues as far as a few things breaking and stuff missing from boxes, but i think that we will get organized just fine. As most of you know we started to cloth diaper and well that has been fun to figure how many days we can go without washing them! But with all the hub-bub, we have managed to find peace with the new place ( even if it is only a year )while unpacking i kept coming across pictures of myself and my parents ( Emma & Popi ) . I was overwhelmed with emotion and realized how fast life really goes. Listening to music i heard a country song that reminded me to slow down and enjoy these days because i would want them back. Some of me does want them back now. I miss my yellow swing set and my husky. I miss staying up with my friends during the summer and roasting twigs over the grill and catching them on fire only to hear my father ( popi ) get onto me about catching things on fire. Now i am a mother of three and my oldest ( Kalli) will be 6 in April! I feel like i need a remote to just pause and be able to see life still for a minute. I will miss this all one day.. the little fights between Kalli and Kason.. Kaleb will no longer be nursing and will no longer come cuddle in my bed one day. I am blessed that the hub's will be there to keep me warm ( or so i pray). Someday ill have Grey hair and it will be their turn to take care of me. One day I will be the one needing care. One day i will have to say goodbye to my best friend.. Until then I vow to keep my cool and take it slower..

Switching to Cloth Diapers

Many years ago while helping in the nursery at church I saw my first cloth diaper. It was bulky and clipped down with a safety-pin, it was also held down with a plastic panty looking thing. I was dumbfounded by how to change this thing as I had only changed disposable. Finally after looking at it for a minute called one of the adult supervisors ( as I was 11 at the time) and let them change the baby. I asked my dad as we where driving back why would someone put that on a baby. Later on I was told that they where cloth diaper and that a lot of people used them. He went on to tell me that shortly after before I was born the disposable diaper was made. He told me the only reason that they did disposable was because a friend of theirs gave them free diapers. He worked for Procter and Gamble and stocked the shelves and every package that was torn open was supposed to be thrown away. ( WHAT A WASTE) He decided however to take the torn packages to his home and store them and give them to friends and family that needed them.

Seven years later I was going to be a mom. I was looking at everything I needed for my daughter after she was born. Not long after I was asked if I was going to cloth diaper by a friend of mine. I told her no and that it was sooo old fashioned. She started sending me pictures of super cute cloth diapers and the woolies that went over them. I was jealous of all the cute designs and the cute outfits that went with them. I decided that i was not going to be able to afford the cloth diapers and continued to stock up on disposable. Even with my tiny check it would have taken till she was already one to make enough for a stash!! I gave up on my quest and continued with disposable's.

It wasnt until this last December that the offer of cloth diapers was given to me. I had thought about it long and hard.. I wanted to cloth diaper!! I was tired of buying diapers and I was tired of having to spend the majority of our paychecks on wipes and diapers.  Graciously the women who where in the cloth diaper group I joined donated several cloth diapers to me to help off set the cost of the moving we where having to do. While I was scared to death at the idea, I was also so exited!! After a few weeks I was able to get my washes mastered!! We had one small hiccup when mini chick decided he was going to poop and not let me know.. His rear end was as red as a sunburn!! Luckily I had the best group of ladies ever to help me!!  Now it is my normal routine to get up and wash then stuff the diapers and get ready for the rest of the day.. I finally got what I wanted!!

I would like to say that after a month and a half in cloth we have saved over 150 dollars!! It sure does pay off going green!!

Why this west Texas mom is going crunchy

Years ago we would never think of names for different types of people and the labels we give them!  Remember in high school it would be the geeks and the jocks? What happens when you move out of the school age to adults? Shakespeare said " what's in a name!" We call one person crunchy and another modern, one person liberal and another conservative . But why? What's the meaning? Why the label?  I would like to think that I do not have a label .. But as with everyone I was given the label..

Definition of crunchy:
Adjective. Used to describe persons who have adjusted or altered their lifestyle for environmental reasons. Crunchy persons tend to be politically strongly left-leaning and may be additionally but not exclusively categorized as vegetarians, vegans, eco-tarians, conservationists, environmentalists, neo-hippies, tree huggers, nature enthusiasts, etc.

Definition of granola:
An adjective used to describe people who are environmentally aware (flower child, tree-hugger), open-minded, left-winged, socially aware and active, queer or queer-positive, anti-oppressive/discriminatory (racial, sexual, gender, class, age, etc.) with an organic and natural emphasis on living, who will usually refrain from consuming or using anything containing animals and animal by-products (for health and/or environmental reasons), as well as limit consumption of what he or she does consume, as granola people are usually concerned about wasting resources. Usually buy only fair-trade goods and refrain from buying from large corporations, as most exploit the environment as well as their workers, which goes against granola core values. The choice of not removing body hair (see amazon) and drug use are not characteristics that define granola people, and people, regardless of granola status, may or may not partake in said activities. This definition is sometimes confused with hippy.

I am sitting here laughing as I write to because like my dear hubby said " Oh Lord please don't become a tree hugger!"  My reply was just laughing and rolling my eyes.. I was laughing because its true!! I am becoming a Eco loving, natural living junkie!! I remember my dad describing the hippies he saw.. Now while I won't be dressing in bell bottoms and the dyed shirts and braiding my hair.. I will be more careful with what The Lord has given me.  While most people search for a better way of living wether by choices or faith, I chose both.  Now while the psychedelics of the 60's are over there is a new age of a movement. It isn't against wars,  and it isn't against politics. It about restoring and conserving what we have . While most people are buying packs of water at the store I am buying a glass bottle to refill and I eat cage free and free range eggs. I trade and barter while people shop at Neman Marcus .  I decided long ago I was tired of the waste of our nation. I watch children go hungry in the richest nation.. Have we forgotten how to grow our own food?! Instead of buying huge strollers and expensive cribs, I choose to wear my children in a wrap and let them sleep close to mommy.. I have learned so much from the last 5 years as a mother . I have changed what I put in my body, how I have done my hair, what products I use in my house.  Why would I change the life I have always had? What was the reason behind the change?

Almost 6 years ago I was sitting in front of my computer looking at baby items waiting for my daughter to be born.. While I didn't have the money for the deluxe model crib , I was given one to use ( I can't complain!! It was a 400 dollar crib) . I made use out of something that had already received a lot of love from the previous owner. I didn't have a expensive stroller or play pen with the vibrating side and the bells and whistles.. I had what I needed!! While it was well loved it did what I needed it to!! I also went and bought second hand clothes and baby items (safe second used). Now years later I just retired the old broken down playpen which has held and kept 3 children safe and comfortable.  I no longer have the crib that was given to me. I passed it on to another mother in need. I now have a second hand toddler bed and a room full of well loved antiques and my mother in laws furniture. Why use something old and used? I can buy something at Ikea for less than it would to be less than restoring the old chest of drawers she had . It is the history, It is the use of something until its time has come and it becomes nothing more than good firewood!!

I started to feel a renewal of life in my house, a feeling of a start. My biggest accomplishment was getting off modern and western medicine for my health. I quit popping Tylenol for my pain and used hot water bottles and epsom salt. I grew herbs and I made my own spaghetti sauce !! I noticed a change in the way my body acted. While with my daughter I formula fed , I have breastfed my two sons.. While I had medicine in labor with my older children, my youngest was the first baby I had naturally!! I am in love with it!! I feel renewed and one with The Lord !! The world he gave me was the same he gave to Adam and Eve !! I have been given something to be a good caregiver to. While this is my home for such a small time , I can rejoice in its beauty for I find The Lord in each thunderstorm and I find his power with the winds of the spring!!

So part of my blog will keep up with the journey of changing from wasteful to fruitful, from modern to natural.. I can't promise I know everything, but I will do what comes to me from faith!! I will change my life to what he wants me to be!! I will do with what he gives me to his glory!!

Mommies and babies and breasts oh my!! (Hollister nurse in)

I know I am late posting about this because we have again all been sick!! I am exited to say I went to my second nurse in!! While I am a big fan of them , I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I went to the Hollister nurse in on the 5th of January.. While I am ever busy with the hotline calls , I decided to go to something and support a mother who had been harassed! The last one I went to was when Michelle Hickman had been harassed at a Target for nursing in public.  While I was nervous the last time for nursing without a cover, this time was a breeze!!  When I arrived I did not expect the mass amounts of smiling faces and babies! I was exited!! I was able to start talking to people and connecting with them.. It was odd because last time I was just nervous about being there that I didn't talk much. This time I was able to bond with the women I was with immediately!! As we talked we saw the security guards watching from afar!! At first we thought that they where going to approach us and tell us that we needed to leave, but after a hour they left and went about their business. We talked about what we wanted for the future!!

After an hour we left and went about our lives.. I went back to being the advocate that I was before and always will be . See if it wasn't for these women, I fear that the opinions and the scolds would not end. We need this sisterhood of women to band together and get our lives so much easier. Numbers talk louder than words sometimes.. I only hope this helps my daughter in the future.. I pray she never feels like we have and is thankful for all the women before her that paved the way for her children and herself!! I pray my sons learn to respect women and her rights, if they do I will know I did the right job!

Until next time!!

Holiday joys and its woes ( Part 2)

Well I guess this is my second and last installment into my holiday blog.

The few weeks that I have been in the Big D I have been steadily busy . First weekend was a Christmas party with the entire family.. The chicks where very exited to see the family. After some snacks and presents we went home to enjoy some wonderful family time.. The next weekend was the big nurse-in for hollister and the last weekend was football and family fun.. I am slowly starting to get used to 2013... I do not miss 2012... I was a sand paper rough kind of year.. Just everything was nity gritty..

I didn't really make resolutions because , well they never come true.. I am tired of making them and they never get done.. I may in the few weeks coming make goals for the New Years... Until then I will enjoy all what this New Years has for me.. God willing it will be full of blessings and new beginnings!!!

Well until next time folks


Holiday joys and its woes ( Part 1)

So here I am eating left over chicken nuggets and sitting in my moms leather chair..  The last few weeks have been interesting .. We have had to move again.. I am staying with my family until the house that the hubs is working on is  done. As much as I would love to say I am ok with all of this , unfortunately I am not.. I can't help to think about the movie " The Lampoons Christmas Vacation". You remember the part where the brother in the trailer shows up with his dog Snots.. The entire family from that point on after the arrival of the other family members was one catastrophe after another..  That is my feeling about all of this.. It wasn't until I stepped out of the car that I first entered leaving that trashed out trailer did I feel a little sigh of relief..  Maybe it was like ahh this is home.. But not for long....

 It all started about a week before Christmas and my house was swarming with the thoughts of Christmas and the trip that I had planned .. It was all a wonderful and fuzzy feeling.. You know that one when so many people are willing to give and love one another for one time ..  That feeling was soon gone with a knock at the door. It was a local constable handing us eviction paperwork.. I read  thought the pages and the reason was ridiculous.. The main reason for evicting us was the neighbors bird that we happened to be watching while they fixed their house .

Now we had a good Christmas and we where at least able to cook Christmas dinner .. We started getting into gear with packing and getting rid of stuff that didn't need to go with us.. While that was going on I was making plans to go to Big D with my parents.. Emma chick arrived on the 27th and we left out for Big D .. Leaving the hubs to finish the rest of the packing and moving.. Now while everything is nestled nicely into our storage shed, we had a Christmas party... It was great!!! I missed seeing my grandma!!!

Well got to go.. Ill write more about it later!! The chicks are into something

All I can Hear is SIlence

Friday morning I woke up thinking about my children and the plans for the Holidays. I turned on the news and there was this horrific scene of police running around a school. There was mothers and fathers rushing to a fire station to find their children.. there was shrieks and screams of children crying because they where scared. I heard the news that every parent in America dreaded. Another school shooting had just happened.. Another senseless act of violence had happened.

School shootings have been around since I was a child. In 1999 it was Columbine, I was only 11.. after that there is to many to name. I am sickened to think of all the lives that have been cut short due to someones selfish desire to make a name for themselves , or too sick to even care. I feel like my innocence was cut short worrying if someone was going to come and shoot me. After seeing the horror on TV as a pre-teen I wondered if I was safe. We would do practice lockdown and we would have police come and talk to us... We would plan for the worst, we would drill and get the idea that this could happen. My sophomore year I was in my Biology class when over the speaker we where under a bomb threat and that we needed to evacuate... At that moment I gathered all of my things and left with the class and stood outside. We stood in the parking lot as the sirens drew closer.. and all I heard was <strong>silence</strong>.. I saw my classmates worried.. you could see the teachers concerned.  After about an hour outside we where all released home. The parents shuffled here and there and I walked home. That night my parents and I had a talk about how we are all blessed to be here and that we all need to be thankful for each day we get. Ten years later I am blogging about it.. I would never imagine that 10 years later I would be writing about this...

Later that evening I got onto the phone with my father.. I cried with him on the phone and asked him why? Why would someone go into a school and kill 20 innocent children!! My father was quite on the line. He didn't say a word.. We talked about faith.. we talked about illness... we talked about how things where when we where children. It doesn't matter what race we are .. It only matters that we need a change. We need sick people treated, we need people screened more carefully when getting a gun licence. Parents need hope that sending their children to school will mean that they will come back on the same bus... That we will be able to watch them grow up. But because of that man, there is 20 children being laid to rest. 20 lives cut short. We blame the man who killed them, his illness... But we can't just blame him.. we need to blame everything. The way the world is.. We need change.. What change it will be, I am unsure. I just hope that this change means I can watch my children grow and not have to bury them early.

The Reason For The Season

After our bout of being ill , we decided to clean the house and put up whatever decorations we had. I was depressed we didn't have a tree to put up and had come to peace with it. After my dear hub's had told me the news that it had gotten wet in a roof leak, I had thought maybe it would be ok. The kicker was he put it outside while they worked on the house and it began to rain. So here we are the second week in December and no tree... No presents... Nothing to help bring in the Christmas spirit. I decided to look in the Facebook garage sale pages and groups.. None of them had a tree in my budget range, most wanting too much. I had also looked at new trees to buy and my search was futile, there was nothing to be bought. 

One night I sat on the computer and the idea was passed along in a group i was in ,to start a page to post requests to help families that needed help. A local woman made a page  and quickly started to ask for items. With that i asked her if anyone she knew had a tree they could donate and i would gladly get together some clothes as a barter of sorts. Kevin and I had not had an easy year.. With moving and the messes we had, we needed help. I also had thought of the families that needed clothes and went through the closet and found everything my children had outgrew and that I could donate... Hours later I was told she had a tree for me and we met and exchanged the items that I had. Loading the tree I knew that the spirit of Christmas had arrived and I felt very complete.

Two hours later Christmas music is blaring and the kids and I are putting together the tree... We smile and laugh and enjoy some time together.. My husband grumbling because the thing sheds.. I  gladly was able to start the songs and the lessons.. Most of all what this all really means... So my chicks and I sat on the floor and I read them the story of our Saviors birth and his love and his gift of life to us. I wanted them to understand that Christmas tree's are great and and presents are great, but most of all the real reason for this all is our faith in and love of Jesus Christ!!! His birth and death gave us the best example of how we are to act.

Jesus is the reason for the season!!

Sicky Icky week!!

Last week my house was the ground zero for tissues , runny noses and cough drops.Yes you guessed it, We had a cold. Kaleb ( nugget) seemed to have the lease symptoms but the most nasal drainage.i must have had to suction his nose every 30 minutes. My house was alive with wails of both boys crying about their throats and needing my hubby needing a cough drop.   Kalli ( bug-bug)  had to listen to this all week and weekend and has still to this day not fallen sick... We all sat and watched movies and talked a lot about the upcoming holidays!!!  I fell ill a few days later and while I enjoy the much needed rest while I am sick.. I barely got any... Between Kaleb ( nugget) and Kason ( lil man)  I was up and down tending to them...  We ended up feeling better and moving on.. The funny thing is that after all of that , I am still finding random used tissues that I so carefully made sure where in the trash. We finished the last of the nasty sick glasses and dishes and watched two movies!!! 

Now that we are well I reflect back and the funny thing is, each time my friends kids get sick.. Regardless where they are .... I can bet mine are not far from being next in line.. I actually begged God to allow us some kind of illness ( minus the stomach flu and flu) so that we could stay healthy while we where celebrating Christmas. Now two weeks later , we have had our illness and are content to stay away from everyone ...  Now it's planning the next step of this madness.. The tree and the presents!

Moving To West Texas

Moving here was like that moment you are standing on a diving board and looking down to 20+ feet deep water!! It felt like the biggest choice of my life. I could have stayed in the Metroplex, but with the hubby's business and the kids needing somewhere more settled to live we moved... I wanted to get the freedom that for three years was impossible due to living in Poppi and Emma and Memaw  house.  So to West Texas i moved... all of the things i had fit in the back of our truck and a trailer!!! Five years of my life had been working, taking care of MeMaw  ( my grandmother)  and raising my lil chicks!!

Upon moving here I was brought into some of the most amazing and crazy new experiences. Instead of having a Mall and a Highway close by with music and sirens blaring all the time, I was moved to quite tranquility !! I was amazed how people acted. In the Big city I was just a face... here i was someone!! We slowly started to get out and meet new people.. Now my life is full of playdates, mom's night out and soon T ball and Ballet!!  We moved shortly after getting out here to another house ( ehem trailer) for the time being .. We cannot wait till next spring to move into something bigger and better!!  While life has not been the best financially we did agree to split with Poppi and Emma Cluck on renting a house.. Honestly i think they caught the I don't want to live in the metro  and want to move to somewhere cheaper and a lot less noisey!! Hubby ( the hubs)  is working hard and keeping us going .. we have had a few hiccups this year, but have otherwise somewhat recovered!! Hopefully the next year will bring relief!!  The kids and I are looking forward to having more freedom this next spring to go places and enjoy life!!! We will be more active and explore this city!!!