Thursday, April 11, 2013

Food allergies part 2: Path to wellness

It's been a few weeks since my first post about our path to finding our about Kasons food allergies and how we are going to treat them.. We figured that Kason had several food allergies after getting several bouts of hives and eczema when he was a baby. Why they didn't test him till now makes me wonder why ? Why would they just treat the after effect of a breakout instead of investigate it. We left most of Kason's medical records that we copied with the speech therapist and I looked through them as well.. I noticed after reading through them that between the ages of 6 months to a year , Kason's health took a turn.. He didn't gain weight and he barely gained any height.. Why didn't they notice that? Why did we have to go through multiple infections and breakouts without further testing? Now I feel like I have been cheated out of what could have been a normal babyhood for Kason... He could have had clear skin and been able to smile when his mommy and daddy played and it would not have hurt. Now looking back his doctors never tried... They just gave him medicine to comfort him..

We finally did get into the doctors office and scheduled with an allergist and made sure that we had the options opened for us as we have never had them opened before. At first his pediatrician was talking immunotherapy. The thought of weakening my son's immune system made me mad. Why would I weaken what is protecting my son from getting another infection. The second option was even worse ( in my opinion) . We looked into allergy doctors and found one that would suit him to tailor to his needs.. While I am exited we are getting this far, I am also skeptical.. What if he never grows out of theses allergies? What will we have to do as far as diet? What is the next step for him? I spent the better part of three weeks after the original RAST. Test to figure out what we can do as far as food... I am already shocked with things I didn't know.. I was shocked to know there was so much out there that is marked hypo allergenic and really it isnt.

Well here goes to the two week wait!! I am ready to get some answers!!

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