Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dear Ignorant People without Food allergies

Dear Head in the Cloud ,
I am watching your precious little one scarfing down his PB&J sandwich and watching the crumbs hitting the ground. I am horrified because my child who is allergic is playing within the area of danger.. Please don't bring food to the park, the Park is for playing... Not for spreading your child's wonderful lunch all over the slide, monkey bars and swing.. Next time make junior park it in a seat and eat like all people do.. Remind your child their manners and to go wash their hands and not wipe them on every surface possible..

Dear I can do what I want parent,
Hey you seemed pretty cool at the beginning of school, but now your the biggest pain in the butt!! Your the one that pressed the PTA to allow holidays with food, so my child cant go to school the days you have parties because I am afraid for his safety.. Please refrain from bringing your arsenic covered cupcakes and poison cake so maybe my son has a chance at winning the super Santa surprise!! If it where your child, I am sure you would stomp your feet and make the entire world an allergen free place, but for now please put my child into consideration.

Dear Mr pompous windbag,
I love listening to you at the store how my sweet child will outgrow his allergies and that I am being too protective.. How bout this, ill let you play with a bottle of  nitroglycerin as you are trying to walk through a 8 lane highway and hope you make it.. See that is what going out of my house is like, food that can kill my son are all around me and well it is like walking trough a mine field.. No I am not being over protective, I am trying to keep my child alive. As for the advice of him outgrowing them , I know he can , but until his doctor tells me it is safe.. I will assume that stuff is the nastiest and most vile substance known to man

Dearest Parents ( and inlaws),
I know you loved wedding and stuff and you love my kids.. But please don't bring over foods that you know I would not let in my house on a normal basis... I have a reason for not having these items in my house. Please do not bring things you know will possibly hurt my child and please for the love of God do not feed that to them while I am not home... It can kill our precious little one. Please remember I am not trying to take away your fun, I am simply asking that you remember that this is my child and I have rules there for a reason

Dear School Officals,
 I know this will be hard for you to swallow, but so is what will happen to my child if they cannot go to school without the fear of being exposed to their allergen. I am sad that most of you still don't take my child's condition seriously and for that matter I cant understand how hard it would be to take peanuts as it would be to ban the school from having junk food and sodas..  I would love to send them to school to learn just like the rest of the kids their age . My 504 plan is not just because i want to make your lives hard, I want to make sure my child's condition is known and respected!!

Dearest Sweet Old Lady,
Yes I have to read each label!! It is part of my shopping routine.. Yes a daunting and overwhelming and very time consuming task. But to me it is well worth it because I need to make sure that my child is safe!! No I am not being picky and No my child has eaten their fair share of safe candies and other junk.. But at this time I have to make sure that what goes in their mouth or in my home is safe for them. I simply hope that the advice you gave me about relaxing will sink through, because that isn't happening until his numbers drop and I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

Dear friends,
Please do exclude us when your child or yourself has some sort of party.. we don't want to change what you want for your special day, but if you want us to come , I need to know that I and my child  can party without the worry from my child getting into something!! I do really hope that this will continue our friendship, but if not I am doing what needs to be done with my child and if you cant except me then its obvious i don't need your judgement and or your friendship!!

Dear waiter,
Please don't screw up my order, see unlike the lady across the way that is griping about cold food, I am worried that the chef or you will make my son a toxic concoction from hell. I am hopeful that you will understand and will respect that. I came to relax and not to worry about what will go into my child. I also will tip you nicely if you at least act and do your best to care about how frazzled I am and how tired I am that i have to search every restaurant on Gods green earth to find something that they can eat!!!

Dear judgamental person,
My other children are not suffering from the lack of certain foods, they love their sibling and understand that they cannot have that item because the risks of spreading even the slightest amount of residue onto the allergic one. I know that it doesn't seem fair , but in all fairness there will be plenty of time later once they are out of my house in order to taste and explore other foods that while they where young they could not eat!

Dear everyone,
I hope that you are not one of the people that are blessed with a child that has food allergies, but if you are please remember that the world is not out to get you and that not everyone are cold hearted and hateful.. There is a ton of people with soft heart and willing minds that will make life a safe haven.. Allow time for people to understand and if you are someone that doesn't, take time to do research.. It would feel horrible if you are the cause of someones death and I believe ignorance is truly not bliss!!

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