Thursday, April 9, 2015

New year , New life, New changes....

We left off last August as Kalli started a new year of school. We had a wonderful start and Kalli seemed to blaze along well with her school year. She had several passing grades and was making excellent strides. We started her in Girl Scouts and let her expand her wings a little more by doing so. She loves the ability to hang out with each of her friends and learning so many new things. As the fall progressed so did the amount of stress with homework and paperwork. It is amazing how incredibly busy they keep 1st graders. We had barely gotten done with the first assignment when another harder worksheet would come in. I have my own opinions about common core, but that is for another blog. I feel like we are all going to suffer when our children become these overly stressed and overly worked adults. Kalli however is like her mother in a sense. She can blast through stressful situations without much noise, but when overly tired she becomes very dramatic . How I wish that I could have the coping skills she has when I was in school, maybe I would have continued on.  Kason and Kaleb have been doing well, or as well as they can get. Kason had his skin testing and we found out that he was still very allergic to peanuts and eggs... Tree nuts where negative, but the protective mama will always keep them away since we have had a history.  Kaleb has bloomed into a loud and moody 3 year old. Both of them sharing a room has been the biggest change in our house. Kason normally slept in his room by himself when we first moved in, then we moved Kaleb in early the next year. Most of the times I am climbing over toys and clothes, and scrubbing down walls that Kaleb thinks is fun to color all over.
Fall came and left without any kind of problem, however Christmas break was interesting. We all came down with the flu. It took about a week to move through the house and through each person. God bless one of my friends here in town , she offered to bring over essential oils for us to try. However  I declined ( stupidly) because I was scared that we would pass it on to her family. We however where out of luck for the Tamiflu ( which now that i think of it we are lucky we didn't settle) and so was the rest of town. I managed to look up online some natural treatments and came back with Elderberry.  Two days later we where able to celebrate Christmas without so much as a hiccup. After that I decided that we needed a new change. I made plans to start using essential oils and natural treatments and made plans for a class in February. Kason and I both where tired of being drugged and bogged down with the overdose of  meds that we took on a daily basis. When It was all said and done we where hopeful that this would work. It was an investments, but one of the best we had ever made. Gladly I can report that we are all on base doses of medicine ( with the blessing  of the doctors of course) and are thriving well. I am starting to do classes and will be teaching on how blessed as a family we are since we adopted our new lifestyle. Blessings can come from the more uncomfortable moments in life. Thank you influenza A for putting my faith into Natural medcine.

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