Saturday, August 30, 2014

Health, Kids, life.. The last 5 months

We have been kind of blissfully in our own world the last few months.. Kalli finished her first her in school with a bang! She ended up bringing home every bug the school had within a few week period. We spent the better part of the week after school having our house sanitized from floor to roof. We managed to somehow inherit a ton of her classmates drawings and creations and we also had a ton of sugar ants from Kalli leaving her bag of candy on the floor . June was the start of the summer shuffle . We had every family member we could think of come and visit . We had cook outs and we had fun in the sprinkler . We went to the splash park and we also ate out and enjoyed the rather mild temps outside.  Kason had his surgery to replace the tube that had fallen out last fall and Kaleb had surgery to take out his adenoids , also they inserted tubes.  I also lost a early pregnancy .. It was hard and well for me I was a little shocked and heartbroken. I had a very faint positive on my birthday and by the 26th I knew something was wrong. It took 4 days to stop cramping and a week to get back to normal..  While my hubby thinks it was a bad test, I have never experienced something as painful like those cramps since I had Kaleb.

June was about the same as May since we caught a summer cold.

July began with a 4th of July party and having fireworks . We loved spending time with friends and family. July also brought answers to our lives. My husband and I have both been struggling with health issues. We got news that shattered our world , but then again brought us hope. My husband was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He had been loosing weight and looking very pale and unhealthy to say the most. At first they where thinking type 2, but when they noticed that oral medication was not working, they did more tests and found that his pancreas was not producing any insulin at all. Once they started an insulin called Lantus, we started to notice a big difference in him. He gained back weight and also felt like he had more energy.
August was just as eventful and hectic, doctors visits and getting ready for school. Amongst all the
commotion my father had a heart attack and my mom had to go back and forth to Dallas to visit my
grandmother who was ailing and getting ready to pass. We again had a house full of people and enjoyed visiting with each one. I had a scare when I ate shellfish and ended up in the ER . I will write more about my food allergy/ health issues later. Kalli started back to first grade and had an excellent first week back!!

While much  more happened than that,  those where the things that impacted us the most...
Until next time!!

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