Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Come one, come all to the opening of the farmers market!!

So it is going to be an exiting day this coming Saturday!! For most people here in Abilene it is the day the Farmers market opens! I like many other people are exited about going!!! I can't wait to see what our local farmers have grown !! I like many other "crunchy" moms like the idea of fresh foods without all the processed crap as well as less of a carbon footprint!! Most of our fruit we buy at stores are not even from this country!! Can you imagine what would happened if we got rid of the GMO foods? We would be able to survive without the threats of cancer, food allergies, obesity and the growing countless health issues caused by Monsanto and the other evil companies! What about giving back to the people that grow these foods? Would there be less food stamps if foods where grown locally and cheaper?

This is the perfect chance for me to get the word out  EAT LOCAL!!!  I have always heard from my grandma about how much she loved the seasons because each one brought a food that she was not able to eat until that time of the year. I am sure that this weekend will bring me excitement like it did for her. I only can think about all the money that is going to go to the local economy and help bring up the options to make Abilene beautiful !

So what am I going to look for this weekend
Fruits-  Strawberries, lemons, kiwis, cherries, grapefruit
Veggies- red potatoes, lettuce and carrots
Meats- beef and chicken
Herbs- all of them if i can ( i plan to dry them on a string in my kitchen)

I am also in the look for fresh local honey to help with my sons allergies and skin issues and maybe get him off his allergy meds when his body builds up an immunity. I am also looking for homeade soaps and lotions!!

I cant think of another better way to spend my weekend , but to eat fresh fruits and visit with local farmers and the people that make up this beautiful city!!

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