Saturday, July 30, 2016

West Texas Natural Baby: Code Name Second Trimester Down

Its over! Second trimester actually was booted at Midnight! While I would love to say that it was dreamy and easy, I would have been lying! I wanted to have a memorable pregnancy and by golly I got one!!

13-16 weeks: I would not be lying when I said I loved the new medicine that they gave me for nausea! Yes my goal this pregnancy was to stay off all the unnecessary medicines and go natural. After three visits to the ER for fluids and treatment for two pretty severe UTI's , I decided that if this would allow me to keep fluids down it was worth it. I would however follow it up with oils to help support my digestive tract behave. My husband and I where a lot more at ease and exited about the baby being happy and growing. At some point around 15 weeks I swore up and down I felt the baby move.. Of course it felt like tickles and bubbles!! We also found out that we where adding a baby girl to our bunch!! The excitement that we felt was amazing!! All the pain and struggle of the last few years had been changed with the news that she was also very healthy and that she was not suffering from any ill effects of both my husbands and my health issues!!

17-20 weeks: I was hit again with a nasty UTI and was tired of the constant burn. We again went in to get fluids and then see how baby was doing since I had not felt her move!! Of course once we where told that she was moving and happy in her little home. I did have an anterior placenta and that was making it harder for me to feel her. I also know during this time I was going through the waves of a family issue that was not helped by the pregnancy hormones by any means. My biggest concern at this time was trying to stay pregnant and not allow stress to start the mad cycle it did before.

21-24 weeks: Finally it seemed I was getting a break from the needing to pee constantly and was able to rest longer in between bathroom breaks at night. I still was battling some of the others that had ailed me at the beginning . I started to feel her move more often and took solace in it. I know many mothers expecting a rainbow baby feel the same way. We fear that we will again be left with an empty womb and empty arms. Of course when she would shift to a position I couldn't feel her in the anxiety started to creep in more and more. I was expecting in the next few weeks I would be having to do the dreaded glucose screening and be left feeling sick even worse after that.

25-27 weeks: Sooooo. This didn't go exactly as planned since I was told I had Gestational diabetes.. I was pretty bummed seeing as last time I was pregnant I had more options as far as foods. Being a Celiac and having gestational diabetes is almost the worst form of torture one can go through. The first week was absolutely the most depressing as foods and I quickly became tired of the same three options I had exhausted before in my previous pregnancy. I also found quick that sugar detox is the devil!!! It causes you to become the hulk in a very moody sort of way. At about 28 weeks which ill highlight in my next post, I was ready to quit!! I was ready to have this baby and be done with it all together.

So what did I do naturally this Trimester:

1. Started to use oils more often than I was using them before. I was super wary the first trimester since I was at a high risk of loosing the pregnancy

2. I started to buy more organic foods at the end of this trimester seeing as the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes was enough to scare me into more natural foods

3. Started really watching how much I was walking and my Carb/calorie intake

What could I have done better?:

1. Not had as many sugar loaded snow cones as I did!! I must have gained at least 10 lbs just from that!!

2. During my sugar starving , I went back to soda.... Yes shame on me!!!

Well thats all for now!!! I will check back in with you next trimester and of course what comes after the 3rd trimester is BABY!!! I hope once I finish this blog that some of you find humor in my suffering!! I sure as heck may look back with a laugh after all this is done!!

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